Tuesday 8 January 2013

Joggers who hate bloggers - What a nasty bunch!

Thats me well and truly told!  After putting a link to my blog on the runners word forum I had a bit of a back lash of nasty comments I was completely shocked by this.  I genuinely didn't think I was doing any harm and that maybe this would draw the attention of few other running mums or even mums thinking about running to m blog to see if it was of any interest to them! If not then for I was not forcing anyone to read it so what harm was caused?  How wrong was I!!
Ok I so the first person said "the only people interested in your blog are you your family and your friends and they are probably just being nice to you!' - thanks nice of you that, such lovely people around!
I also got accused of coming across like a car salesman, well sorry but I'm not actually selling anything there is no money involved its just kind of like keeping a diary that I'm willing to share.
Clogging up "their" forums but the comment I found the most offensive was "if you have young kids and struggle fitting in your training then why waste your time blogging" I found it deeply offensive for someone to question the amount of quality time I spend with my children when they do not know the first thing about me so to which I think my reply was sharp but to the point. simple, my husband is in the forces I have no family near as we live overseas we only have BFBS tv so not so much choice and that particular evening my kids were fast asleep in bed and he was working a 12hour night shift, sometimes this life can be lonely and I just thought who the hell do you think you are.  What is it they say- walk a mile in someone else's shoes before you criticise them.  We all live very different lives and have very different interests and coping mechanisms And as such i would never be so nasty and criticise anybody else in the way these people did!
Anyway if any of you want to see the comments from the joggers who hate bloggers see here http://www.runnersworld.co.uk/forum/general-running/running-mum/237329.html

Planned my first long run today when my oldest was at preschool, my husband has been on nights so thought when my little one goes back down for her morning nap I'd go, but when he got up out of bed he had different plans and has gone off to sort some admin out for our move!
So here i am sat in my running gear an hour after she has been dropped at pre school waiting for him to get back, she only does 3 hours and i need to allow an hour and half for a 10miler arrrrgh- think sometimes communication is an issue ha ha
Will let you know how I get on!

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