Monday 14 January 2013

Slacking first week!

One week in and I've already dropped a run!  On last weeks pan I was supposed to do a 4mile slow run, but being full of a chesty cough and just generally busy sorting for the shippers estimate (today- which went well they said we are well within our limit the RAF will pay for us to get back to the UK so phew) also pete has been working 12 hour shifts (days) sat-tues, well anyway I kept making excuses as I really didn't feel like getting out and well now it's week 2 so I decided rather than get behind with my schedule and try to squeeze in an extra run I'd just start this week!
So tonight even though I had the kids all day on my own (long day as I'm sure most mums will agree) once the kids were in bed i took myself out and did a fast 4m (about 28 mins-ish) glad I got out and kick started this week, long run still looming over me I plan on doing 12m this week, so I have decided to do hill runs weds evening after kids in bed and long run on Friday when Eloise is at school and I can run in day light!
I'm a little disappointed I slipped up already on my training plan on just week 1 but hey I still did about 19mile last week and new week this week.  I suppose I just have to accept that I will get ill, the kids might get ill and well sometimes it's not as easy to stick to it as you think, but as long as I'm doing the important ones and for the full 16 weeks make sure I try not to take more than 3 rest days in a row (that's how my bad habits start and the slippery slope begins) that's better than going off plan altogether.

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